Thursday, April 13, 2006

Things I have recently learned

Today there are officially three months until I turn 40. I'm not sure how successful I've been with my plan to hit 40 fit, mentally psyched, ready to accept the great wisdom that shall come with my Croning a mere decade from now. But, I have learned some things.

First of all, it's harder to flunk out of PI school than you might think. Despite skipping one too many classes and failing to turn in two homework assignments, I passed anyway. (I still didn't sign up for the last quarter.)

Second, a friend of mine recently alleged that the people who make deodorant and antiperspirant actually add something to their product to make you sweatier and smellier, so you will never question your lifetime need for their wares. She said she gave it up and for one week she sweated and smelled like heck, and then it stopped and she has been perfectly clean and fresh-smelling ever since. I scoffed, but I tried the experiment myself, and you know - let's just say it just might be true.

Third, I learned that contrary to my prior assumptions, it IS possible for a sole proprietor to hire another sole proprietor on subcontract and issue them a 1099 and deduct it as a business expense!

Lastly, I learned, for the umpteenth time, that when you make a mistake, tackling it head on is a much, much better response than avoidance. Maybe by the time I'm a Crone I will have gotten that one through my head once and for all.

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