Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Oh, the weight of it all

Today Zena and I made one of the most important decisions of our business partnership: We selected a powerpoint template. The public face of Flora & Zena, Inc. Consultants don't write reports any more, did you know that? We just produce "decks" with our detailed analysis reduced to pithy bulleted lists and insightful diagrams. In fact some of my colleagues actually charge a "report-writing penalty" for clients who insist they need a written document.

I suppose one could find that troubling. But who am I to buck the inexorable changing flow of things?

Anyway, she picked a template that I had used for a retreat that I facilitated a couple years ago that was INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING despite my ABUNDANT preparations, sending me into a fit of PTSD when I saw it again and forcing me to take a 90 minute nap.

Being in business is hard work.

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