Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Why have I not been blogging?

Good question! One that I'm sure is keeping the four of you who read my blog up at night. (Ok, I think to be honest there might be five of you.)

I dunno! I have decided that my life is like a menu at a Chinese restaurant. Much as I may aspire to include a reasonable balance of activities for health, intellectual and spiritual development, social interaction, productive societal contribution, and practical life maintenance - it seems that I can never manage to maintain all of these things. I'm not talking about the classic problem of the overcommitted life here - no, my schedule is not currently stretched to the breaking point, and after all, I have no kids to transport to soccer practice.

Rather, it's like a Chinese menu, and I can only have 2 items from column A, 3 items from column B, etc. etc. So - fall off the running wagon last week? Do a bunch of volunteer work. Start running again this week? Stop blogging.

Life has always seemed to go this way. I understand there will always be trade-offs; I don't think I have unreasonable expectations of myself as Superwoman. I understand that I am the classic Introvert, in the Meyers-Briggs sense that I rejuvenate my energy by being alone, and that certain kinds of activities extract a price - too many social items from Column B requires loner time with absolutely no commitments from Column C. And attending to exercise and diet and mental health also creates energy and space for more activity. I understand all that.

But still, it's amazing how often I think - hey, I'm doing better about cooking healthy food! And then I realize I haven't read a book in a month, or my house is a mess, or I've stopped walking my dogs.

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