Monday, April 30, 2007


I hereby declare my intention to run the 2007 Royal Victoria Half-Marathon, and by doing so publicly, I invite my friends and family to encourage, cajole, and scold me into sticking with my training program. Flattest marathon route in the Pacific Northwest. Done it before, I can do it again. But oh, the pain of starting out at 2 paltry miles. Sigh.

Enrico ran 13 miles yesterday just for fun. An entire half-marathon, for which I will slowly and painfully train over five long months, just for fun. Show-off. He wants to run the full Victoria marathon - which happens to be our on 12th wedding anniversary! Won't that be a sweet way to spend it, icing each others' aching IT bands? We'll need somebody to come along and hold our sweatpants and take our pictures and cheer us on though. Victoria is lovely in October!

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