Yes, I'm back from Yellowstone, which was FABULOUS, and I have lots to tell...but it'll have to wait until I meet a client deadline. I'm a day late getting back into the saddle due to an unprecedented TWO-DOG trip to the emergency vet yesterday afternoon...more on that later.
And, in the spirit of previews:
"On the day we saw the bear and stood amid a stream of moving bison, we had decided to get up early in order to seek out early-morning wildlife, and also to cover the 100+ miles of park roads en route to our next night's lodgings. The room clock read 7:10 am as we lugged our bags downstairs and headed for the restaurant under dark but brilliantly starry skies. The restaurant was locked up tight, despite a posted 7 am opening time, as was the dining room proported to open even earlier at 6:30. This didn't surprise us much, as the whole park seemed to be in an unpredictable, transitional limbo-time between Labor Day and the start of snow season. Breakfast and coffee would be available somewhere up the road. I shivered in the dark car while Enrico scraped thick, stubborn ice off the windows. As he swung himself into the driver's seat, I said "Honey?" and pointed at the dashboard. We both stared stupidly at the glowing digits, which inexplicably but undeniably read: 5:36 am."

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