Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dog is my co-pilot

It was bedtime, and as I sat in bed reading, Nelly paced at the foot, waiting for Enrico. She long ago took to sleeping on a little dog bed next to us, tucked away in the corner of the room. We stuck it there to get it out of the way one day, and she adopted it as her sleeping spot of choice.

"Hurry up," I called to Enrico. "You know Nelly can't settle on her bed until we're both here. It's not right."

"All right, I'm coming." Enrico climbed into bed and Nelly finally traipsed to her corner, circling the mandatory two times before lying down with a thunk.

"She is so weird, with all her random self-imposed rules. She's like her own little Book of Leviticus."

"The Book of Nelleviticus!"

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