Wednesday, January 04, 2006

PI School, Part II

Tuesday was the first night of the new quarter of private investigator school. Last quarter was the lawyer and the law. It was ok. This quarter is finally about private investigation, and it's taught by a career investigator. Very promising so far. She knows her suff, and is a hoot and a half to boot. And, she brought cookies! Here are three tidbits of wisdom from the very first night.

  • The best job training? Get a job in the sleaziest bar you can find.
  • The trick to trailer parks is: Walk down the middle of the road with a clipboard and a pen. Within minutes you'll be having coffee with the trailerpark busybody and you'll know everything there is to know about anyone who lives there.
  • The most important skill is being able to write as fast as a person talks. So it's very, very important to find the right pen.

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