Tuesday, November 15, 2005

To all the IT guys I've loved before

Our new computer toys arrived and I spent much of Sunday getting everything transferred off the old equipment and set up on the new one. A very glitch-free experience, I am pleased to say.

I've been acting as my own IT department for a while now - I've always been the computer gal in the house, but since I've been self-employed there's a greater complexity to our technology needs, and greater urgency that it run smoothly. I have had terrible, terrible glitches with high-speed internet setup, and a total system crash which eventually required outside expert assistance. In those moments of deep despair, I lifted up loud and sincere praise to the many IT professionals at my various places of employment who took care of such nightmares for me in the past.

It's easy to appreciate the job they do when something goes wrong. What I learned to appreciate this weekend was the SHEER MONOTONY of the job when it goes well. Watching the little bars scroll across the screen... sitting... sitting... hitting a key... sitting... reboot... yawn... snooze.

So, to all the guys (and yes, for some reason they were pretty much all guys) who have cared for my technology needs in the past, keeping them humming smoothly, out of sight out of mind: You'll be honored, I'm sure, to know that you have been included in the Flossing Gratitude Ritual. Live long, and prosper.


Anonymous said...

I feel honored to be included (I hope) in your daily plaque-scraping appreciative moment. I hope your new equipment serves you better than past devices...

Anonymous said...

isn't that why we all keep getting new equipment?
