Tuesday, September 06, 2005

On another subject

I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audry Niffenegger, and it was like LITERARY CRACK. I just couldn't put it down. The complex construction of the narrative, the vivid characters, the sharp dialog...

I've had a story in my own head for several years now, trying to get out, and I just can't seem to write it. It has multiple story lines that come together, multiple central characters whose voices are important, and even though I've outlined the whole thing and researched stuff, whenever I sit down to try to write the story it comes out sounding like I'm telling my girlfriend a story over coffee. "So there was this woman? And she had these kids hanging out across the street from her house? So one day she comes home from work and...blah blah BLAH." Niffenegger's book has me in awe, the way she tells the story is so complicated and yet flows so well.

Plus, there's a line in there that I'm sure totally describes me. "It's as if she's gone into a room in her mind and is in there, knitting or something." I asked Enrico if this is how he experiences me sometimes, and he got that look on his face that husbands get when you ask them things like "which of these skirts makes me look less fat?"

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