Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A small thing

I haven't posted in a few days. I'm kind of overwhelmed by recent world events and anything I can think to post about my small, comfortable, happy life seems a bit trite. Plus I'm working again so I'm busy.

However, I will report on one interesting thing I saw this week. I was running around Green Lake, which has a ~3-mile walking/biking path around the outside. It's right in the heart of middle-class Seattle, always full of walkers and joggers and rollerbladers and bikers, lots professionals straight from work and students from the nearby U and parents with their kids. As I was running, I saw two men walking the path together, one of whom had a white shirt with the words "SPANISH LESSONS" in big red letters across the front. As I passed them I realized they were, in fact, having a Spanish lesson. What a simple yet clever idea, no? Give people language lessons while exercising, and serve as your own advertising billboard.

The creativity of the human mind is really quite amazing.

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