Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'll have to try that some day

The fundraiser I went to this week was organized by a friend of mine, and it was a huge success. Many people, good times, lots of money raised. The mayor came and declared an official day in honor of the organization. A big success all around.

Of course, that kind of thing only gets pulled off with lots and LOTS of work, especially when there's a fundraising staff of one (my friend). She was totally wrung dry by the time it was over. On top of it all, on the morning of the event itself, she had to close on buying her condo at 8 am - having worked until 4:30 am in preparation for the evening's event. So she went to her condo closing IN HER PAJAMAS.

Now, that's the kind of nerve I aspire to have some day. You know, after the bank and the mortgage broker and the insurance company have all investigated you with invasive scrutiny, judging whether you're responsible, you pay your bills, you have a good job, you're not likely to lose your good job, but you'd be able to pay your bills anyway...after all that, once everything's a done deal, just to screw with their heads - show up for your closing in your pajamas.

That's not why my friend did it, of course. She did it because she was almost psychotically sleep-deprived and couldn't manage to dress herself. But still - it's an inspiration to me.

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